BuddyPress Activity tab is used to output a list of sitewide, member or member’s friends activity. This plugin gets tags from each new blog posts activity and shows the most commonly used. The widget configuration and tags style is based on Simple Tags plugin by momo360modena.
BuddyPress Activity Tags doesn’t work with single WordPress installation or Multisite installation without BuddyPress. It must be activated for all sites using «network activate» in the Administration Panel.
The plugin comes with Spanish and English translations, please refer to the WordPress Codex for more information about activating the translation. If you want to help to translate the plugin to your language, please have a look at the bp-activity-tags.pot file which contains all definitions and may be used with a gettext editor like Poedit. Currently in the following languages:
- Italian
- English
- Serbian (sr_RS) by Webhostinghub.com
- Click tags.
- Customizable activity tags page URI.
- Recent activity posts with a selected tag are showed in a page which contents the shortcode:
- Customizable style sheet for widget and results page.
- Select how to display tags.
- The size and color of each tag is determined by how many times that particular tag has been assigned to posts.
Download the plugin from the WordPress Plugin Repository: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bp-activity-tags/
If plugin works in your WP version, send your vote and push works in the compatibility form.
I tried activating your plugin on my site but it just makes all of my pages go blank. Not even the admin panel shows up.
I’m running BuddyPress 1.2.5 and WordPress Multisite 3.0.1. Any advice or thoughts?
@Paul Hastings I want to help you but I need more info, can you activate the plugin and send me last lines of error log file?
I am using WordPress 3.0.1 and BuddyPress 1.2.6 latest update as of date. Uploaded the plugin and upon activation I get the error as below.
Fatal error: Class ‘Bp_Activity_Tags_Widget’ not found in /home/…/caribbeans.org/wp-includes/widgets.php on line 324
After this I am forced to delete the activity tags folder using FTP and then only I can access the wp-admin. I have the page URI already setup.
Thank you for your help.
Hi Alicia
I am facing the same problem as SRI where a fatal error occurs. Please help me as well I need your plugin very much.
Hi, great plugin. Maybe it is because my site(s) are just starting out, but I only seem to get two sizes of words in the tag cloud. Is the range of sizes controllable? Will more tags even out the distribution of sizes?
Another thing I noticed is that when I click through tags on the cloud the results are nested like threaded comments, in some cases mashing two or three posts together i and making it hard to read. I have tried placing the short code provide in a post and a page but get the error searching for something that can’t be found?
@Frank You can select minimum and maximum font size when you configure the widget in the widgets panel.
@Frank The page where you place the shortcode must be in the principal blog of your installation, for example mpnodes.info/activity-tags. If you visit activity tags page directly, you will get this message «Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here». The correct form to visit this page is through activity tags widget. You click over one of tags and all related post are showed in the activity tags page.
Thanks for you response, I have configured the widget for font size and color, but I guess I do not have a sufficient variety of tags to give more than two sizes, smallest and biggest.
Didn’t realize the activity-tags page was automatically created.
What really concerns me however is that when I do click through the tag cloud the page I get shows results as a nested list with each result offset to the right and not separated for the other results. It looks kind of cool but is unreadable and confusing.
I am not very good with CSS, but it looks like the styple sheet is missing a div or something to separate the results.
Hi Alicia, thanks for plugin. It is useful.
I see the issue on plugin «BuddyPress Activity Tags».
I have tag «диагностика» but on widget BP Activity Tags are displayed «диаУностика».
And url «/activity-tags/?bptags=диаУностика» not exist.
There was change russian character «У» to «г».
Hello Alicia ! Your plugin is a great idea, and unfortunately, I don’t find to install it correctly. Would you please give me some help ? I wrote first the short code [bp_activity_tags] in the tag.php page. A request gives an 404 error, and on the tag page is shown the short code clearly, where I pasted it in the code.
In a second time, I create an activity-tags.php page, where a request on a tag arrives on a page not found. You can test it there :
Where am I false ?